Agrupación Astronómica de Madrid - Grupo de Estudios - Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Lunar occultation bibliography
(2021) Analysis of Photoelectric Occultations and Development of a Digital Model of the Lunar Libration Zone
(2019) Lunar Occultations with Aqueye+ and Iqueye
(2019) Lunar occultation
(2018) Studies of Modern Star Catalogs Based on Photoelectric Observations of Lunar Occultations of Stars
(2013) Developing an Optical Lunar Occultation Measurement
Reduction System for Observations at Kaau Observatory
(2012) A catalog of near-IR sources found to be unresolved with milliarcsecond resolution
(2011) Milliarcsecond binaries detection by lunar occultations with the VLT
(2011) Lunar occultations of 184 stellar sources in two crowded
regions toward the Galactic bulge
(2008) Further milliarcsecond resolution results on cool giants and binary stars from lunar occultations at Devashtal
(1996) New binary stars discovered by lunar occultations. II
(1994) New binary stars discovered by lunar occultations
(1995) Observations of lunar occultations at Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur
(1989) Lunar occultations of Praesepe. II. Massachusetts
(1987) Lunar occultations: from conjecture to results
(1986) Photoelectric observations of lunar occultations. XVI
(1985) Photoelectric observations of lunar occultations. XV
(1984) Some OFT-occulted binary stars
(1982) Photoelectric observations of lunar occultations. XIII
(1981) Photoelectric observations of lunar occultations. XII
(1981) Lunar occultations of the Hyades. II
(1980) What Size is Aldebaran
(1980) Photoelectric observations of lunar occultations. XI
(1980) Photoelectric observations of lunar occultations
(1979) Lunar occultation summary. III
(1979) Lunar occultation of the Hyades and diameters of alpha Tauri and theta1 Tauri
(1978) Photoelectric observations of lunar occultations. X
(1977) Photoelectric observations of lunar occultations. IX
(1977) Angular diameters for 11 late-type stars by the lunar occultation technique
(1976) Photoelectric measurements of lunar occultations. VIII
(1976) Results of photoelectric lunar occultation observations obtained at the Hamburg observatory during 1969-1973
(1975) Angular diameters and effective temperatures of red giant stars from lunar occultations with special reference to μ Geminorum
(1975) Photoelectric measurements of lunar occultations VII: further observational results
(1974) On the angular diameter of TX Piscium from lunar occultations
(1973) Photoelectric measurements of lunar occultations. VI. Further observational results
(1972) Infrared diameter of IRC+10216 determined from lunar occultations
(1971) Photoelectric Measurements of Lunar Occultations. V. Observational Results
(1970) Photoelectric Measurements of Lunar Occultations. IV. Data Analysis
(1970) Photoelectric Measurement of Lunar Occultations. III. Lunar Limb Effects
(1970) Photoelectric Measurement of Lunar Occultations. II. Instrumentation
(1970) Photoelectric Measurement of Lunar Occultations. I. The Process
Last revised 28 Dec 2021
Grupo de Estudios, Agrupación Astronómica de Madrid
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid